Apollo 50th Anniversary
July 20, 1969, was when Apollo 11 blasted off from the USA, sending astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins on a journey to the moon and back. It took around three days to get to the moon, and then Armstrong and Aldrin spent 21 hours and 26 minutes on the lunar surface, becoming the first humans to set foot on it. Exactly 50 years ago, the world heard these famous words as Neil Armstrong lowered onto the surface of the Moon: “That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.”
The mission, dubbed Apollo 11, was the climax of the Apollo program, which pushed human spaceflight forward faster than ever before. Fifty years after the mission, people across the world are once again celebrating the moon landing, the odds that were stacked against it and how it continues to influence spaceflight.
Apollo 11 turns 50: Moon exploration, interesting facts & Nasa's to-do list
NASA's Project Artemis aims to take more humans, including the first woman ever to the moon| July 20, 2019, Saturday -
Google doodle celebrates 50th anniversary of Nasa's Apollo 11 Moon mission
Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon| July 19, 2019, Friday -
50 years of Apollo mission: Was Moon landing fake? Here are the facts
Conspiracy theories that claimed that the moon landing was faked and that it was all a Hollywood-like cinematic production shot ...| July 19, 2019, Friday -
Women yet to step on moon but well intertwined with it in literature
The moon is often envisaged as a female entity, which inspired poems on the theme of her gaze as she looks down on Earth benignly| July 19, 2019, Friday -
How big is moon and how far is it? Let's put facts into perspective
The equatorial diameter of the Moon is about 3,476km, while the polar diameter is 3,472km| July 19, 2019, Friday -
50th anniversary of Apollo 11: How we came to know a lot about the Moon
Here's a brief timeline of the landmark moments of lunar exploration in modern times| July 19, 2019, Friday -
Exposing the moon's surface: Equipment that changed space photography
Photographs of the first moon landing were nothing short of artistic masterpieces that redefined imagery with the picture of a ...| July 18, 2019, Thursday -
Moonwalk to MTV: How photos by Apollo 11 astronauts influenced pop culture
People collected and shared prints of the Apollo 11 landing and moonwalk, which also became the basis for artist Andy Warhol's ...| July 17, 2019, Wednesday -
Understanding time dilation: A year in space makes you older or younger?
How space travel and long-duration missions might change the human body, and whether those changes are permanent or reversible ...| July 17, 2019, Wednesday -
'One small step for a man': Did we mishear Armstrong's first words on Moon?
Armstrong insisted that he actually said, 'That's one small step for a man.' In fact, in the official transcript, Nasa ...| July 17, 2019, Wednesday