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Owned by Meta (formerly known as Facebook), WhatsApp remains the topper among the messaging apps across the world, even though it faces stiff competition from its rivals such as Telegram or Signal. But despite that, the application does not provide various features that the other platforms offer. Due to this, third-party developers have built a modded version of the app delivering those features. WhatsApp Delta or GBWhatsApp Delta is one such modified app.
WhatsApp Delta Developer
The WhatsApp Delta was developed by Deltalabs Studio, which is an updated version of GBWhatsApp. The app allows users to make customisations such as Primary Color, Application Theme, Message UI, Custom Font Style, Home UI, and many others.
Other than changing the look, it also has features that attract users such as hiding online status, concealing typing notifications, blocking calls, sending large files. The users can also extend the duration of the status through their app and can even edit a sent message.
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