In November 2021, the Indian Railways launched Bharat Gaurav trains that will be operated by private players and run on theme-based circuits. Through this policy, which offers operators the “Right of Use” of its rakes and infrastructure, the Railways has liberalised and simplified a part of operations that was otherwise carried out mostly by the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC). While any entity can run these trains, including state governments, it is implied that the policy is targeted at tour operators.
Under this programme, private players and tour operators can procure trains from railways on lease and operate them on any circuit of their choice and decide fares, routes, and quality of services.
However, the railways will ensure that there is no abnormality in the prices.
Who can apply to take trains under Bharat Gaurav scheme
From individuals to societies, trusts, groups, tour operators and even state governments can apply to take these trains and run them on special tourism circuits based on a theme.
The railways have allocated around 190 trains for these theme-based circuits, described as the third segment in services offered by the national transporter after the freight and passenger segments. The train composition will be of 14 to 20 coaches, including guard vans.
Unlike the regular train service, the Bharat Gaurav trains will showcase India’s rich cultural heritage and historical places to the people of India and the world.
Under the Bharat Gaurav scheme, the service providers will offer an all-inclusive package to tourists, including rail travel, hotel accommodation, sightseeing arrangement, visit historical or heritage sites, tour guides. Moreover, providers will also have full flexibility to decide package costs based on the level of services being offered.
Service providers will also have a choice of coaches suiting the clientele, and different segments like luxury and budget can be availed. They will also have the flexibility to post advertisements and design and furnish the interior of the coaches based on the theme.
The process of applying for these trains will be through a one-step transparent online registration process with a fee of Rs 100,000.
The allotment of coaches to all eligible applicants will be subject to availability and priority will be based on the rake security deposit time and date. The security deposit will be Rs 10 million per rake and the right to use would be between two to ten years.
Customer support units will be made functional in the field for hand-holding the service provider and for smooth implementation of this scheme.