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Japanese electronics maker Sony on Monday unveiled the NW-ZX707 Walkman in India. Priced at Rs 69,990, the music player is available exclusively on Headphone Zone. According to the company, the NW-ZX707 uses Edge-AI (Artificial Intelligence) and DSEE Ultimate (Digital Sound Enhancement Engine), which upscale the compressed digital music files in real time. It supports both direct download and streaming of music over the apps. The Walkman has a 5-inch screen and support for Wi-Fi , which enables downloading and streaming functions.
“Built with updated components of high-end models, the NW-ZX707 offers astonishing sound quality. With enhanced battery life, balanced connection, a larger 5-inch display, Wi-Fi compatibility for easy downloading and streaming functions, it is also portable and stylish for the most demanding music lover,” said Sony.
The Sony NW-ZX707 Walkman is powered by Sony S-Master HX digital amp technology, which is said to reduce distortion and noise across frequencies for enhanced audio output. The NW-ZX707 features a longer battery life compared to previous models. According to the company, the NW-ZX707 Walkman has a battery life of up to 25 hours of 44.1kHz FLAC playback, up to 23 hours of 96 kHz FLAC Hi-Res audio playback, or up to 22 hours even when streaming. Below are the key highlights of the product:
High-end components for premium sound output
DSD remastering engine to resample into an 11.2 mhz dsd
Faithful sound reproduction with S-Master HX digital amp technology
Sound processing with hi-res audio wireless
Updated DSEE Ultimate for enhancing streaming music quality
Longer battery life of up to 25 hours with 44.1Khz FLAC playback
Premium design with a milled aluminum frame featuring a 5-inch screen
Wi-Fi compatible for direct download and streaming
Designed with sustainability in mind
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First Published: Mon, January 30 2023. 13:47 IST