Karnataka PUC supplementary exam dates announced; check details here
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Karnataka's Department of Pre-university Education has announced the PUC (Pre-University Course) result 2022 on September 12, Monday, at 10.58 am. The Department of Pre-University Education (DPUE) organised the 2nd PUC supplementary exam from August 12, 2022, to August 25, 2022. Students who failed one or two subjects in the regular exams appeared for the supplementary exams.
The registration process for Karnataka's second PUC supplementary exam concluded in June 2022. After that, the Department announced the 2nd PUC supplementary exam dates on their official webpage.
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Students who appeared for the supplementary exam had to complete the registration process separately. And now, you can download Karnataka 2nd PUC supplementary exam results 2022 online via the official website (www.karrresults.nic.in).
Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary result 2022 announced: Supplementary results statistics
Total boys appeared | 104,947 |
Qualified | 36,637 |
Pass percentage | 34.9 per cent |
Total girls appeared | 70,958 |
Qualified | 28,596 |
Pass percentage | 40.3 per cent |
Total students passed | 65,233 |
Total students appeared | 175,905 |
Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary result 2022 announced: Key details in the result.
The Karnataka Second PUC Result 2022 will have important details about the candidate, such as roll number, student's name, and subjects. Etc. Also, if you feel there is some error in the result, contact the DPUE Karnataka officials, who are authorised to make changes to the supplementary exam mark sheet. Given below is the list of details that are present in the results
- Name and Roll Number of the student
- Appearing Subjects
- Examination's name
- Marks obtained/secured
Qualifying status of the student
Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary result 2022 announced: How it happened?
The wait for the Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary results 2022 ends today. DPUE Karnataka announced the 2nd PUC Supplementary Exam Results 2022 on September 12, 2022. Students who appeared for the exams can check their respective results from the official website of Karnataka Exam results.
Initially, DPUE Karnataka released the schedule for the 2nd PUC Supplementary examination, and then they instructed students to start preparing for the PUC supplementary examination. Then, the Department organized the supplementary examination.
Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary result 2022 announced: How to check and download the result?
Below is a step-by-step guide to checking and downloading your 2nd PUC supplementary result.
- Visit the official result website of the Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka (www.karresults.nic.in)
- Click on the Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary Result 2022 Download link.
- After this, enter your credentials, such as your registration number and subjects.
- Click the submit button, and the result will appear on your screen.
- Now, check the Karnataka 2nd PUC Science, Commerce and Arts supplementary result 2022 and take a print or download it to keep it with yourself.
Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary result 2022 announced: 2nd PUC result 2022 statistics
On June 18, the annual results were released on the Karnataka results' official website. Candidates can check their Karnataka 2nd PUC results in 2022 via SMS.
Overall, the pass percentage has been recorded at 61.88 per cent. Girls got 68.72 per cent, and boys registered at 55.22 per cent. 4,22,966 out of 6,83,563 students passed in the exams.
Science continued to be a stream with the highest pass percentage—as many as 72.53 per cent of students who took the exam in the science stream passed the Karnataka 2nd PUC. For commerce, the pass percentage was 64.97 per cent. Also, 48.71 per cent passed in Arts exam. Given below is the table for a better explaination.
Total Students appeared | 683,563 |
Total students passed | 422,966 |
Overall pass percentage | 61.88% |
(Written by Zuhair Zaidi)
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First Published: Mon, September 12 2022. 12:05 IST