Is FMCG the new battlefield between Ambani and Adani?
Reliance Consumer Products launched its consumer goods brand, Independence. It puts the company in direct competition with Adani Wilmar. Is FMCG the new battlefield between the Ambanis and the Adanis?
FMCG | Reliance Retail | Adani Wilmar
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Reliance Consumer Products — the fast-moving consumer goods arm and a fully owned subsidiary of Reliance Retail Ventures — launched its consumer goods brand, Independence, in Gujarat, on Thursday. The launch puts the company in direct competition with Adani Wilmar, Tata Consumer and ITC, who also have a portfolio of staples and processed food. It is among the latest business verticals that had the Ambanis enter Adani’s turf and vice versa. Is FMCG then the new battlefield between the Ambanis and the Adanis?
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