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Layoff season continues: Wipro fires 452 freshers on performance grounds

Wipro's attrition rate declined to 21.2 percent on a year-on-year basis in Q3FY23

Wipro | Q3 results

Shivani Shinde  |  Mumbai 

During the Q3 FY23 the total headcount of Wipro fell by 435, this after the company added 600 employees

has terminated 452 freshers on the grounds of performance. In a statement spokesperson said: “We had to let go of 452 freshers after they performed poorly in assessments repeatedly, even after training. At Wipro, we take pride in holding ourselves to the highest standards. In line with the standards we aim to set for ourselves, we expect every entry-level employee to have a certain level of proficiency in their designated area of work.”

The company further elaborated that, the evaluation process includes assessments to align employees with the business objectives of the organization and requirements of our clients.

“This systematic and comprehensive performance evaluation process triggers a series of actions such as mentoring and retraining and in some cases separation of certain employees from the company,” said the statement.

During the Q3 FY23 the total headcount of fell by 435, this after the company added 600 employees. The company during the results said that they will continue to hire from campuses for the fiscal 2024.

Rather the company has been in over delay in onboarding of freshers. According to media reports, the company post the results accepted that there have been delays in onboarding but they will honour every offer they have made.

Wipro’s attrition rate declined to 21.2 percent on a year-on-year basis in the quarter ended December compared to the previous quarter’s 23 percent.

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First Published: Fri, January 20 2023. 22:49 IST

