The joint venture company of Eicher Polaris today launched a compact utility vehicle Multix priced at Rs 232,850 (ex-showroom, Jaipur), which makes the five-seater compete directly against the Tata Nano.
Powered by a small diesel engine the extremely stylish Multix is a purpose-built and specially designed personal utility vehicle targeted at independent businessmen. The vehicle, which saw a combined investment of Rs 350 crore, promises to deliver 28.45 kmpl.
The Tata Nano carries a price tag of Rs 207,628 (ex-showroom, Jaipur) for the base version. The Multix is the cheapest UV on sale in India.
"Multix has a generous cabin space that can comfortably seat a family of five along with luggage, Multix can be adapted to create large storage space of 1918 liters. Multix is equipped with X-PORT ™ - a unique power-take-off point, which can generate power of up to 3 KW that can be used for lighting homes and powering professional equipment such as drilling machines, DJ systems, water pumps and more", stated a release.
ALSO READ: Eicher commercial vehicle sales up 7.6% in May
Siddhartha Lal, Managing Director & CEO, Eicher Motor, said, “We have identified a large untapped segment in independent businessmen with an estimated population of 5.8 crores in India, and are committed to create a new and strongly differentiated automotive solution for them through Multix. Our aim is to equip the consumers with the Multix ecosystem and enable them to unlock their potential by accessing a world of new opportunities.
Multix will be launched in 30 cities to start with. It will be available for test ride in July and deliveries will start in August.
The vehicle has undergone over 18,00,000 km equivalent of rigorous testing for off-road reliability, safety and durability. It has been tested on testing tracks in USA with torture track ratio of 14:1, as well as in India on specially built test tracks.
The JV company has also set up a production facility in Jaipur having an annual capacity of 60,000 units which can be scaled up to 1,20,000 units. The facility is also equipped with robotic weld lines and in-house paint system.
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First Published: Thu, June 18 2015. 13:22 IST