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Eicher Motors edges up on launch of utility vehicle

Eicher Polaris launched a compact utility vehicle Multix (India's First Personal Utility Vehicle) for Rs 232,850

SI Reporter  |  Mumbai 

Shares of Eicher Motors have inched up by nearly 2% to Rs 19,514 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) after Eicher Polaris, a 50:50 joint venture between Eicher Motors and Polaris Industries launched a compact utility vehicle Multix (India’s first personal utility vehicle) for Rs 232,850. CLICK FOR FULL REPORT

Multix is a purpose-built and particularly designed personal utility vehicle focused at independent businessmen. The vehicle, which saw a combined investment of Rs 350 crore, promises to deliver 28.45 kmpl.

At the launch, Siddhartha Lal, MD & CEO, Eicher Motors stated that the company aims to equip the consumers with the Multix ecosystem and enable them to unlock their potential by accessing a world of new opportunities.

The stock opened at Rs 19,398 and touched a high of Rs 19,676 on the BSE. At 1:45 PM, a total of 6,378 shares have changed hands on the BSE.

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First Published: Thu, June 18 2015. 13:46 IST