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Edelweiss Mutual Fund launched India's first passive short-duration fund on Friday. The scheme, Edelweiss CRISIL IBX 50:50 Gilt Plus SDL Short Duration Index Fund, will invest in a diversified portfolio of Indian government bonds and state development loans (SDL).
According to the fund house, the passive offering will provide investors a low cost investment option for the short term. "This fund offers better predictability on asset allocation, credit quality, and duration, and is a low-cost substitute over other active funds for short-term investments," said Radhika Gupta, MD and CEO, Edelweiss AMC.
The scheme will invest 50 per cent in Indian government bonds and 50 per cent in SDLs. The index will be rebalanced every quarter with an effective date as the first business day of the month, the AMC said.
The new fund offer will open for subscription from January 27 to February 10.
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First Published: Fri, January 27 2023. 19:49 IST