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Business Standard

BYD India bullish on evolution of passenger electric vehicles market

BYD India has an assembling plant in Chennai

Electric Vehicles | Automobile | automobile manufacturer

Press Trust of India 

Sanjay Gopalakrishnan, Senior Vice President of Electric Passenger Vehicles of BYD India With BYD Atto 3
Sanjay Gopalakrishnan, Senior Vice President of Electric Passenger Vehicles of BYD India With BYD Atto 3

BYD India, a subsidiary of Chinese vehicle manufacturer BYD is bullish on the evolution of the passenger (EV) market in the country and will come out with another model this year.

Sanjay Gopalakrishnan, senior vice-president of the passenger EV business of BYD India, said the company has sold 700 EV cars of a single model in 2022 and expects to sell 15,000 units of three models in the current calendar year.

The company currently has two models - an SUV and a MUV. The third model will be launched in the sedan segment in October this year, he said. BYD, the Shenzen-headquartered Chinese conglomerate, is a leading manufacturer of . BYD India has an assembling plant in Chennai.

Gopalakrishnan said the BYD cars are brought in semi-knocked-down condition to India and then assembled at the Chennai plant.

(This story has not been edited by Business Standard staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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First Published: Sat, January 28 2023. 00:08 IST

