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Budget 2023-24 wishlist: Here are the key challenges in oil & gas sector

Emergence of renewable fuels causing displacement of petroleum fuels' demand

Budget 2023 | oil and gas | renewable energy

Business Standard 

Photo: Bloomberg
Photo: Bloomberg

Key challenges

  • Policy stability on transport fuel pricing
  • GST on petroleum products and gas: Exclusion leading to depriving of benefits of classical GST regime and increasing administrative burden
  • Ability of E&P concessions to attract large and experienced investors
  • Emergence of renewable fuels causing displacement of petroleum fuels’ demand
  • Investment to supply PNG and LPG to domestic consumers may go obsolete in the near-term due to the proposal to electrify homes

Industry ask

  • Support SMEs to develop infrastructure for molecules like hydrogen, ethanol, biodiesel, biomass, and biogas
  • Consumers demand aggregators tying up with cheaper LNG/gas sources
  • Oil companies and fossil fuel-dependent industries seek clarity on emerging carbon credit policies to plan their future investments
  • Development of large petrochemicals and chemicals zones for investors to avoid hunting for land, utilities, and supply chains



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First Published: Sun, January 29 2023. 23:44 IST