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On Friday, the Indian stock market completed the shift to a “T+1” settlement system, which started in February last year, where every transaction will be completed within one working day post-trade. That makes India the only large market apart from China to move to T+1. But India intends to fully transition all financial assets that are traded on the exchange, including derivatives. Though the shortened settlement cycle will do much to increase liquidity in the system, overseas investors in differing geographies may find it hard to handle, the top edit says.
Read it here
In other views:
Tamal Bandyopadhyay assesses the tax slabs for the middle class and says many exemptions don’t reflect reality and need to be reworked to consider the cost of inflation. Read it here
Debashis Basu makes the case for the harmful effects of derivatives trading; only three entities – Sebi, NSE and the government (through taxes) – stand to gain from such trades. Read it here
Mihir S Sharma analyses the response to the Hindenburg report on the Adani group and says short sellers have a role to play in market processes just as much as the bulls— but it is regulators that really make markets move. Read it here
The second edit explains how green bonds can help lower borrowing costs. Read it here
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First Published: Mon, January 30 2023. 06:30 IST