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Madan Bahal, co-founder and managing director, Adfactors PR will be inducted into the Page Hall of Fame, at the Page annual conference on September 18, 2022, in Chicago, US.
Page is the premier global professional association for senior strategic communication leaders. Page brings together the world's best communicators to become strong leaders by learning together, helping each other, imagining a better future for corporate communication, and bringing it to life.
Madan Bahal is interested in long-term engagements that build strong stakeholder relationships for his clients and built his firm with a view of public relations entirely consistent with the Page principles. He has earned many personal accolades, including the Award for Outstanding Achievement from PRovoke (formerly The Holmes Report), Communicator of the Decade Award by the Public Relations Council of India, and the Life Time Achievement Award by the Public Relations Society of India. He has also been featured in PRWeek's list of Top 300 global influencers and Power Book.
In 2017, Bahal was inducted into the International Communications Consultancy Organisation's hall of fame. He is at the top of the list of those who corporate leaders in India rely on for advice on how to deal with the complex business and reputational issues they are grappling with. However, it is Madan’s commitment to advancing the profession that is particularly admirable. For more than two decades, he has personally undertaken the challenge of helping professionals across India understand how to evolve to a holistic strategic approach that mirrors the Page Principles,” said Peter Debreceny, VP of International at Page. “He has organized symposia for corporate practitioners around the country, a clear indication of his commitment to training for his own people and for advancing the profession in India.”
Maril Gagen MacDonald, founder and CEO of Gagen MacDonald and chair of the Page Honors Committee said, "Madan’s strategic and reputation management counsel is sought after by many CEOs of the most prominent Indian companies, including the Tata Group, the Mahindra Group and the Godrej Group." She further added, "they rely on him for guidance on the most pressing issues affecting their corporate reputation, corporate governance, sustainability and business strategy, including virtually every major merger and acquisition transaction in recent years."
Adfactors PR is India's largest and most recognized public relations firm, which under Bahal's leadership has retained over 500 clients across industries. It employs over 1,400 people and has a network across 40 cities in India, along with its presence in Sri Lanka and Singapore. In the last 5 years, Adfactors PR has won over 500 national and international awards for campaign excellence.
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First Published: Wed, August 31 2022. 00:54 IST