Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his deputy Manish Sisodia today called on Union Minister M Venkaiah Naidu and sought his assistance in acquiring land for construction of new schools and colleges in Delhi.
"Arvind Kejriwal and I today met Naidu ji and asked him to give land to the Delhi government for construction of new schools and colleges," Sisodia told reporters after the meeting.
"How will we be able to do other works if we spend Rs 8-10 crores for purchasing land? As such the Delhi government has asked the Union Minister to give it land," he said.
In the run up to the Delhi Assembly elections, AAP had promised to construct 20 colleges and 500 schools in different parts of the capital.
"No new college has been built since last 15-20 years. Giving education to students will be government's responsibility. We will double the number of existing seats and construct 20 new colleges for the youth," Kejriwal had said at an AAP rally at Jantar Mantar in November last year.
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