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AAP claims Advani interview indicates veteran has lost faith in current BJP leadership

"The government is everyday crushing democracy and creating a situation, an ambiance, where the Emergency is not far": Ashutosh


Aam Aadmi Party leader Ashutosh on Thursday claimed that a recent interview given by veteran Bharatiya Janata Party leader L.K. Advani was indicative of his dissatisfaction with the current leadership of the party, and added that they feel that the veteran fears that the country is being pushed towards an Emergency-like situation.

"This has a political context and clearly indicates that Advani has no faith in the BJP Government and no faith in the leadership of Narendra Modi, and he clearly visualises that under the leadership of the BJP, the government is everyday crushing democracy and creating a situation, an ambiance, where the Emergency is not far," Ashutosh told ANI.

"I am reminded of his blog when Modi was to be made the prime ministerial candidate of BJP in 2013: at that he discussed Mussolini, Hitler, Fascism and dictatorship. He wrote to the then-BJP president Rajnath Singh, saying that the party has moved away from Syama Prasad Mukherjee, Deen Dayal Upadhyay and Atal Bihari Vajpayee and is fulfilling the personal interest of one individual. He also hinted that Modi was not good for Indian democracy," he added.

Advani had earlier in an interview to an English daily said that he did not see any sign in India's polity that assured him of any outstanding aspect of leadership, adding that he did not have the confidence that a situation like the Emergency would not be repeated in the country.

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First Published: Thu, June 18 2015. 14:08 IST